I’m inspired every time I go past this planting.
Such lush food production from a small space on a busy street.
I’m inspired every time I go past this planting.
Such lush food production from a small space on a busy street.
Every year, I plant Swiss chard from seed in a large-ish pot along the front walkway.
Some Virginia creeper volunteered in the spot, and I love the way it rambles. I cut the creeper back every now and again but allow it to cool the space.
May, 2021
The young Swiss chard leaves always get munched by leaf miners but I don’t do much other than squish them. I figure that the leaf miner season is short and the chard is indestructible. Maybe one year I’ll cover the newly planted chard with a row cover…
June, 2021
August 2021
But for the past few years, the chard has flourished with almost no care, and the creeper has done its thing. Generosity!
At the beginning of the pandemic, I was anxious to maximize food production in every available space not already growing native plant habitat. That meant bumping up production in the walkway between our house and the neighbour’s.
Tomatoes, peppers and basil in the sunny walkway beside the house.
Herbs also do well in pots in this spot.
Next year, more kale!