One of the most gratifying things about my Sedges Instead project is the way that neighbours have become involved.
Baillie, who first told me about this boulevard and how perfect it would be for Sedges Instead, offered me the use of her outdoor tap, about 100 feet away. Lugging watering cans takes some time, but I’m grateful, as are the young seedlings.
Florinda, who lives right across the street from the Sedges Instead project and who has a gorgeous flower garden, drags her hose to the sidewalk whenever she sees me, and together we shower the sedge beds from across the street—causing a few people in cars to wonder why it’s “raining” as they pass.
Another fellow came over with a packet of Heavenly Blue Morning Glory seeds and planted them in a concrete planter on the wall.
Mike, who lives a block away, was curious about who to speak with at the City so he could do something similar.
Sahar, who just moved into a house on the street, would like to adopt a section of the boulevard for vegetable growing.
I’m hopeful that by next year, this neglected boulevard will be full of people tending public plantings!
The boulevard in May, prior to creating the Sedges Instead beds.