Wood Chips: Never Too Many

Yes, I am that person who, when she hears tree work being done in the neighbourhood, runs outside (sometimes in my pj’s) to find out what and why they’re cutting. More than once, my questions have led to better pruning by the Hydro crew. (Stop hacking the main trunk, people!) I consider it a public service in defense of the urban forest.

I also consider it a public service that many arborist companies will give people free wood chips when you ask. Oh, and I ask! Most years, we get one big load dumped in the driveway.

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And then I spend the next few days wondering, what have I done?!

And yet, miraculously, the pile gets absorbed into the garden without fail.

Sometimes, the wood chip disribution turns into a community event, and the neighbours bring their shovels.


Every year, after many hours of hard labour lugging the load to the backyard, I delight in the look and foot-feel of the newly replenished wood chip path.

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